Exciting news for the One Global team

We are delighted to announce that, in recognition of her excellent work in leading the one Global community, Jodie Gentles will adopt the title of Managing Director as we continue to grow our community and deliver an exciting future for our members, partners and clients. 

In addition, Cally Davenport and Laura Welsh will assume the new titles of Head of Global Implementations & Technology and Head of Global Partnerships respectively in recognition of the important work they do on our behalf.

Finally, we are excited to announce that Barb Barnard, EVP Sales for World Travel and Ewan Kassir, Director of Sales for Clarity have agreed to join the board of One Global to support Jodie and help further drive our sales focus within the community.

Hard work and dedication from all of the team has seen One Global grow to 24 TMC partners around the world, and we don’t want to slow down just yet!